Feeling a little disconnected?

Try Serving!

At Calvary, we believe God has blessed every believer with gifts and equipped each one to serve others. The Bible tells us God has actually prepared some good works He wants YOU to do! For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) So dig in and volunteer. It’s really one of the best ways to grow spiritually and build lasting relationships.

Building Restorative Cleaning Team 

We are looking for individuals who take pride in the appearance of our church building and would like to help keep it clean. This is not a janitorial cleaning position, but rather weekly or monthly restorative cleaning tasks that are not done by our janitorial team. Click here to join the building restorative cleaning team.

Elementary Team (Sun 9am)
We are looking for individuals to teach 2nd-3rd Boys Class, 2nd-3rd Girls Class, 4th-5th Boys class. You can sign up to serve twice a month or weekly. Click Here to join our 9am elementary team.

Greeter Team – Greeting people when they come in the door and making them feel welcome. Click Here to join our greeter team.

Media Team  Are you interested in audio/video production and getting the Good News out to the world through digital media? Then check out to see if Calvary’s media ministry is right for you! Click Here to join our media team.

Missionary Correspondence Team – If you have a heart for our missionaries and would like to help in this area click here.

Nursery Team – Show our precious little ones God’s love and allow parents to attend an adult service or a small group. Click Here to join the nursery team.

Preschool Team 
We are looking for individuals to help with the preschool classes during the 10:30 service. You can sign up to serve twice a month or weekly. Click Here to join our preschool team.

Security Team – Help to keep our church family safe through our security ministry during one of the Sunday morning services or Midweek. Click Here to join the security team.