What is AWANA?
AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed – 2 Timothy 2:15. It’s a program that makes memorizing the Word of God a little easier and more fun for children. Awards (which are displayed on vests/uniforms) are earned by completing sections in a handbook. The fact is, getting Scripture into the hearts and minds of our children impacts them both now and for the rest of their lives.
AWANA meets every Wednesday night during our midweek service. Register by clicking here.
What age groups do we serve?
Puggles – 2 yr olds
Cubbies – 3, 4 and 5-year-olds
Sparks – Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd graders
T & T – 3rd-5th Grade
What is a “normal” night of AWANA?
Our club starts at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday and ends at 8:00 p.m. The meeting is divided into three parts! Handbook time, game time, and teaching time. During handbook time, the children say their memory verses. Memory work needs to be completed before the children come to Club. The leaders are available to help, but we strongly recommend that your child know the sections before AWANA starts. In game time, children must wear tennis shoes and jeans or loose-fitting shorts.
Is there any cost?
AWANA dues are $16 per child, $10 2nd child, $6 3rd child. If your child starts 2nd semester dues are half the cost. Uniforms and handbooks are purchased after your child completes the Entrance Booklet (Refer to price sheet at registration table). Register for the 2017-2018 school year at our registration table on Sundays mornings. You can also register online by clicking here. We strongly encourage all parents to pre-register before the first night.
Special note to Cubbies & Puggles:
If your child’s Birthday is Sept-Dec please enroll your child in the class corresponding to the age of their next birthday. Parents need to personally escort children to classes each AWANA night. A parent or grandparent must stay in the building in order to have their children in Cubbies and Puggles. Kids must be pre-registered to attend the Puggles and Cubbies classes.
Safety is a core principle in our Children’s Ministry. Parents will need to check their kids into our computer check-in system. Parents will then personally escort children to classes each AWANA night. When parents come to pickup they will need their parent’s receipt to enter the secure area and for the teacher to release their child.
Our Awana program has themed nights throughout the year where the kids get to dress up in fun ways. The dates of these themed nights will be put on flyers and handed out to the kids throughout the year. To see the planned theme nights click on our 2017-2018 Calendar
We have our Awana Grand Prix Race. Kids have a great time working on their derby cars with their parents. This year’s Grand Prix race took place on October 21st.