Miss a sermon or want to hear it again? We provide a number of ways you can stay up to date with the latest messages.

On Disc

CDs and DVDs of weekly sermons are available at the Information Center. Any message from the past three years can be special ordered. Discs are only $3.

Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be produced. CDs are normally available the same day as the message. DVDs are normally available the following week, but additional time may be required.

Recordings of special events, such as baptisms and performances, must be ordered in advanced.


Audio and video of weekly sermons are also available online.

PDF outlines, MP3s, and video can be found on the “Sermon Archives” page.

You can also subscribe to the CalvaryCast sermon podcast in iTunes. Click here to subscribe. Podcast recordings are normally available the same day as the message.

Want to help? If you have abilities in this area and are willing to use your time and talents to serve Calvary, contact Mitch Larson,mitch@mycalvary.org